What to Do for a Sore Throat?
Vitamin C
Vitamin C helps strengthen the immune system. Taking vitamin C can also help fight off the viruses that can cause a cold or flu, thus causing a sore throat. It can be found in oranges, tomatoes, broccoli and other fruits and vegetables. You can also easily take it in capsule form. To help fight a sore throat, take 1000 mg a day. Vitamin C also comes in chewable form, perfect for little ones.
Honey and Lemon Tea
An old fashioned remedy for a sore throat is tea. Mix 1 tbsp. each of honey and lemon into hot water and stir well. You can drink this mixture as needed to help relieve the pain and inflammation of a sore throat.
OTC Medicines
As with any problem, your local pharmacy or store will have a plethora of items to help, and this is true for sore throats as well. Lozenges are a popular choice for a sore throat, as are numbing sprays. Look for remedies that contain either menthol or benzocaine, which numb the throat. For severe pain, taking ibuprofen for adults and acetaminophen for kids can help take the pain away.
Garlic and Echinacea
Two herbal medicines that can help heal a sore throat are garlic and echinacea. These can be taken in pill form as soon as a sore throat comes on, and are completely natural and safe. Garlic has many antibodies and properties that help combat viruses, as does echinacea. Together, they will help by healing the mucus membranes that are inflamed in the throat.
Other Helpful Remedies
A humidifier can help relieve dryness in your throat by adding moisture to the air. It can be used in conjuncture with a menthol cream on the chest, also used to treat congestion. The added moisture and menthol can help soothe a sore throat, especially at night when you are sleeping.