Side Effects of Clavulin

Clavuilin is a type of penicillin used in the treatment and prevention of infections caused by various types of bacteria. The medication works by either killing these types of bacteria or preventing them from growing in the first place. As with any other type of penicillin, there are a number of side effects associated with using the medication.
  1. Common Side Effects

    • As mentioned, there are certain side effects that are associated with using Clavulin. Some of these side effects include coughing, irregular breathing, joint pain, fever, fainting, lightheadedness, pain or redness, puffiness or swelling of the face, shortness of breath, irritated eyes, vaginal itching and discharge, hives, skin rash and white patches in the mouth or on the tongue.

    Severe Side Effects

    • Unfortunately, some users have also reported some severe side effects as a result of using this medication. Some of these side effects include severe stomach cramps, chest pain, cloudy urine, seizures, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, soreness, swelling of the tongue, sore throat, skin legions, trouble breathing, unusual bleeding or bruising, and yellow eyes and skin. These side effects are extremely rare and only occur in a small number of users.

    Important Safety Information

    • Please tell your doctor if you have ever experienced any type of allergic reaction as a result of using any penicillin product. Tell your doctor if you are on a low salt or salt-free diet as this medication can contain certain amounts of sodium that can cause problems in some people. Please contact your doctor if you are pregnant or are breast feeding as the medication can cause problems in new or unborn babies.


    • Clavulin can be taken on either a full or empty stomach; however taking the medication with food prevents some users from having certain types of stomach pains (i.e., diarrhea and nausea). The medication is available in both liquid and pill form and should always be taken according to the dosage instructions given to you by your doctor. The amount of medication prescribed to you will vary depending on your age and weight.


    • If you experience any of the previously mentioned side effects, please contact your doctor immediately for adjusted treatment.

      If an overdose of Clavulin is suspected, please contact your local poison center and head directly to the emergency room.

      Clavulin should only be used when prescribed by your doctor and should never be used for recreational purposes.

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