Sinus Headache Prevention
Wash Your Hands
Wash your hands often to help keep from spreading bacteria and viruses. Make it a practice to wash your hands after you touch someone else. Try to avoid shaking hands with people. Cough and sneeze into the bend of your elbow and not into your hand. Public telephones and doorknobs are notorious for spreading germs. If it is not possible to get away to wash your hands, use a sterile hand sanitizer. Keep a bottle of it at your desk or in your purse to use as needed.
Treat Allergies
Allergies can inflame the sinuses and cause headaches. See your physician if your allergies are severe. Your physician can prescribe an allergy medication that will control your congestion. Avoid situations that make your allergies flare up. For example, if mowing grass causes your allergies to get bad, then have someone else cut grass.
Drink lots of water to stay hydrated. Mucus in your sinus cavities causes congestion, and water thins mucus. Keeping the mucus thin will help it run instead of making sinuses stuffy. Congestion can make your sinuses feel full and tender, and congested sinuses can put you at greater risk for infection, which can cause severe sinus headaches.
Use a humidifier to add moisture to your environment. Moist air can help prevent your sinuses from swelling. Run a humidifier when you know you will be staying in a room. This method works great overnight while you sleep. A humidifier also helps keep your sinuses clear and makes it easier to breathe. A hot bath or shower raises humidity, too. Run hot water in a shower and allow the resulting steam to open your sinus cavities. Clear sinuses are less likely to suffer from pain.
Things to Avoid
Cigarette smoking and alcohol can cause sinuses to swell. Also stay away from strong odors, fumes, dust and gases. All of these can cause irritation, which can bring about a sinus headache. Because dairy products can thicken mucus, it is good to avoid or limit your intake of them if you are prone to sinusitis.