Most Effective Antibiotic for Persistent Sinus Infection
Penicillin is considered a narrow-spectrum antibiotic because it treats a small number of infections. Bacteria grow by absorbing nutrients from your body, and as they grow, they need to build a larger cell wall in order to survive in the body. Penicillin works by interfering with bacteria's building of a cell wall. As the bacteria grow, they aren't able to create a larger wall and break out of the wall, causing it and the infection to die. Penicillin can cause diarrhea, flu-like symptoms, skin rashes and unusual urination frequency. Brand name penicillin medication include Amoxil, Trimox and Biomox.
Cephalosporins are characterized by their ability to prevent bacterial wall synthesis, and generally used for stronger sinus infections. Similar to penicillins, cephalosporins prevent bacterial cell walls from growing by disrupting production of the bacteria's peptidoglycan layer. Because the bacteria need this protection to survive, the cell walls break down when attacked by the medication and the bacteria die. Cephalosporins are considered better if you tend to have allergic reactions to medication. Some of the possible side effects of cephalosporins include nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Keflex, Ceftin and Cedax are some of the popular brand names that contain cephalosporins.
Macrolides treat your sinus infection by preventing bacteria's ability to create new protein. This allows the body to heal by producing more white bloods cells and for the antibodies to fight the bacteria. High doses of the medication can destroy the bacteria and stop bacterial reproduction. Macrolides are considered a better antibiotic than its predecessors as its side effects include sore throat, dizziness and a skin rash. Biaxin and Klacid MR are brand names of the medication.
Fluoroquinolones are broad-spectrum antibiotics that are used to treat sinus infections and other types of bacteria. Fluroquinolones are similar to macrolides in that they stop bacteria's ability to create new protein that is used for growing. This antibiotic can cause serious side effects if you are pregnant or suffer from diabetes, liver, kidney, muscle or spinal cord disease. Fluoroquinolones dosage should be carefully followed to avoid side effects such as blurred vision, swelling, changes in heartbeat and rapid weight gain. Rare side effects include hallucination, chest pain and difficulty swallowing. Avelox, Floxin and Levaquin are some of the brand names that contain fluoroquinolones.