Common Cold Symptoms
What is the Common Cold
Unfortunately for us, the common cold is caused by more than 200 viruses that are known. Because new viruses that cause the common cold, also known as a viral upper respiratory tract infection, are discovered every day, our bodies are always susceptible to catching a cold. In fact, the common cold is the most frequent occurring illness in the entire world, as well as the leading reason for missed days from school and work.
Symptoms of a Common Cold
The symptoms of a common cold usually last up to 10 days and include nasal congestion or drainage, sneezing, coughing and a hoarse, sore or scratchy throat. Slight body aches and a mild headache may also accompany these symptoms.
Cold symptoms in children include persistent crying, ear pain, vomiting and unusual sleepiness as well as the same symptoms in adults.
Not Just the Cold Months
Many people are confused as to why colds are most common during the colder months. It's not because of the cold weather, but because people are inside the house more during the colder months, making colds more communicable between people. Colds are more common in the rainy season in places where there is no winter.
Home Remedies
When you have a cold, it is important to replace the fluids in your body that can be lost with mucus production or fever. It is recommended that you drink plenty of fluids like water, juice and tea.
Eating chicken noodle soup has been scientifically proven to ease the symptoms of a common cold, although it was previously thought of as just an old wives' tale.
Using saline nasal drops also helps to clear the nose of congestion, which makes it easier to breathe and sleep. They are available over-the-counter and work relatively quickly.
The simplest ways to prevent yourself from getting a cold are really common sense suggestions. Wash your hands as often and thoroughly as possible to kill germs that you may have picked up throughout the day. Keep areas like the kitchen and bathroom clean, especially when someone who already has a cold is present. Try to avoid extended contact with anyone who already has a cold, and certainly don't share drinking and eating utensils with anyone.