What Are Some of Signs of the Flu?
The flu almost always causes a fever that develops in a short period of time. The actual temperature of this fever varies from person to person; however, it's usually based on your age. For adults, fevers associated with the flu start at 101 degrees and up. With children, fevers typically start out a little higher, ranging anywhere between 103 and 105 degrees. Fevers from the flu are often accompanied by the chills or the sweats.
Another common sign of the flu is the development of a cough. This cough is usually dry, producing no sputum or mucus during an episode. And depending on the severity of your cough, you might develop a slight throat irritation or soreness. But this isn't necessarily a symptom of the flu, but a result of your cough.
You'll probably have some congestion when dealing with the flu. This congestion can be isolated within the nasal passages, causing your nose to run or "stuff up," but it might diffuse into your bronchial tubes and lungs. This congestion can also place pressure on your sinuses, triggering tension and pain.
Not all pain associated with the flu is isolated to your sinuses. You can suffer from periodic headaches and muscles pains in your arms, legs and back. It is more common to feel an aching sensation rather than actual pain.
When you're exposed to the influenza virus, you might experience fatigue or exhaustion. This is largely because of your immune response as it fights off the virus, taxing your body more than normal.
Digestive Issues
It's also possible to suffer from some digestive issues with the flu. And much like the symptom of fevers, this sign of the flu can be based on your age. For adults, you might begin to notice a general loss of appetite. With kids, this loss of appetite can be accompanied by bouts of vomiting or diarrhea.