What Home Remedies Help Cure Flu Symptoms?
Rest Your Body
When battling any type of infection, ample rest is essential. Likewise, if you're battling the flu, slow down and give your body time to heal. This is beneficial for multiple reasons. Being active or continuing your normal routine while down with the flu can slow your recovery and reduce the store of energy your body has available to fight the infaction. What's more, insufficient rest impairs your immune system, leaving you less able to fight the infection. Take a few days off, remain in bed and get at least eight hours of sleep each night.
The Healing Power of Chicken Soup
Mothers worldwide have long touted the benefits of chicken soup for cold and flu symptoms. However, there is truth behind this popular home remedy. Although soup will not cure the flu, it can relieve symptoms and help you cope with the infection. Dehydration is common with the flu due to excess mucus loss. Eating chicken soup re-hydrates your body, eases a sore throat and relieves congestion. Less congestion means better breathing and less coughing. And breathing in the warm fumes from the broth can benefit your congested nasal passages.
Cold/Flu Medications
Over-the-counter cold and flu medications, such as as TheraFlu, contain active ingredients designed to reduce flu symptoms. Various products are available, and depending on your needs, you can choose daytime or nighttime medications; the latter often promote drowsiness. Look for medications that include a decongestant to get rid of congestion and a cough suppressant. And since body aches are common with the flu, some flu medications include a pain reliever. If not, take pain medication to reduce aches; ask a doctor or pharmacist for recommendations.
Dietary Factors
The flu virus can result in loss of appetite. But if your appetite remains the same, it's vital to modify your eating habits. Modifications can help your body fight the infection and heal faster. Certain beverages and foods may weaken your immunities and prolong the flu virus. Avoid alcoholic beverages, fatty foods and sugar. Instead, choose drinks and foods rich in antioxidants such as green teas, fruits and vegetables. Take a multivitamin to ensure your body receives proper nutrition, and increase your intake of immune-boosting supplements such as vitamin C and echinacea.
Use Herbs
Along with proper diet and vitamins, certain herbs effectively relieve flu symptoms and fight infections. Garlic, goldenseal, cinnamon and barberry root bark are natural antibiotics. Herbs are available in capsule form, and you can purchase them from most health-food stores. Consult doctor before combining herbal supplements with other medications.