Cold and Flu Information
Cold Symptoms
Because the symptoms associated with a cold or flu are often very similar, it can be difficult to determine which ailment you are experiencing. Cold symptoms, which have a slow onset, include mild to no fever, coughing, runny nose and itchy eyes.
Flu Symptoms
Compared to a cold, flu symptoms are often more severe, and can result in serious conditions, such as pneumonia, if left untreated. Flu symptoms include sudden onset, high fever, chest congestion, decreased appetite, achy muscles and chills.
Cold Treatments
While cold symptoms typically disappear on their own, most treatments are to mask symptoms and help you feel better. Try the following treatment methods if cold symptoms begin: Pain relievers, such as acetaminophen, may help to reduce temperature, headache or sore throat. Decongestants help to reduce inflammation, particularly for runny noses. Cough syrups help to numb throat pain and live up to their name by reducing coughing.
Flu Treatments
While there is no cure for the flu, the Food and Drug Administration has approved Tamiflu, a drug that helps to reduce the amount of days a person experiences the flu as well as flu symptoms. Tamiflu is an antiviral medication, meaning it aims to reduce the amount a virus can multiply, thus reducing symptoms.
In addition to Tamiflu, over-the-counter treatments used to treat a cold may be effective in treating the flu as well. Ibuprofen and acetaminophen can aid in reducing fever.
Prevention Methods
One of the best prevention tactics for colds and flus is to wash your hands frequently to prevent the virus from spreading. You should wash your hands with warm water and soap for the amount of time it takes to sing "Happy Birthday" twice.
You should also cover your nose/mouth when you sneeze or cough, and be sure to wash your hands after coming in contact with an infected person.
A weakened immune system puts a person at greater risk. Therefore, you should practice healthy habits, such as drinking lots of water, getting plenty of sleep and eating a healthy diet full of fruits and vegetables.