Ways to Avoid Flu
Wash Your Hands
Frequently washing your hands may seem like a tedious, excessive habit to get into, but it could mean the difference between catching the flu and staying healthy this coming season. The flu virus spreads quickly and can last up to days on many surfaces, so it's important to wash your hands after touching anything in the workplace or at school. Even washing your hands after a trip to the grocery store or the post office isn't a bad idea during flu season--it's better to be safe than sorry. Use antibacterial hand soap and rinse your hands under warm water for at least 30 seconds, making sure to lather up in between all of your fingers. We use our hands for everything, so as long as they're clean, they won't be spreading any germs around.
Use Antibacterial Products
Because many people work in highly populated areas, a few new tips and tricks have been created to defend against the flu. Kleenex has developed a line of facial tissues that are antiviral, meaning that they almost completely kill the flu virus on contact when we use them to blow our stuffy noses. Disinfecting wipes by Lysol are popular during the flu season because they can be used to wipe down frequently used objects to kill germs on contact. There are also a number of antibacterial "no water needed" hand sanitizers on the market, specifically made for people on the go. There isn't always time to wash your hands before touching your phone or grabbing a sandwich, but by rubbing a drop of this gel between your hands, you can still kill 99 percent of the germs you've been carrying with you all day. Use some of these tips and tricks to your advantage during the flu season if you know you're going to be exposed to large crowds on a daily basis.
Stay Healthy
The best thing you can do to protect yourself from the seasonal flu is keep your body in top shape. Your immune system will not perform to the best of its ability if you're constantly stressed out, eating unhealthy foods and not getting enough sleep. In order to be functional during the day, doctors recommend that we get at least 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep a night. Exercising and eating healthy is also a big part of what keeps our immune system strong. Drink a glass of orange juice every day to get the required amount of vitamin C, especially during flu season, to keep the immune system performing best. It's hard to drink a glass of juice when you can easily grab a can of soda, and going to bed before 11 o'clock may not be ideal, but these little changes to your daily routine are likely to save you from the flu bug. Also remember to ask your doctor about the latest flu vaccination as a precaution, and when it will become available to you.