What Will Dry Up Post-Nasal Drip?
Over-the-Counter Medicines
Over-the-counter medicines such as decongestants and antihistamines can provide relief of the symptoms of post-nasal drip until your body is able to fight off the cause of the problem. If you suffer from asthma, and you believe this is the cause of your post-nasal drip, consult with your doctor before taking any medications that might conflict with your regular asthma medications.
Prescribed Medicines
If allergies are causing your post-nasal drip, your doctor may prescribe a nasal steroid spray to help decrease the amount of mucus. Antibiotics such as azithromycin may be dispensed by a physician if you have a bacterial infection that causes post-nasal drip symptoms. Keep in mind that antibiotics will not work for viral infections like the common cold. Again, please consult with a doctor and specifically ask questions about any side effects that come with steroid or antibiotic use.
Natural Remedies
Salt is a great natural remedy for drying up post-nasal drip as it absorbs all moisture it comes into contact with. Mix half of 1 tsp. of salt in a glass of water and gargle the mixture. Skipping cow's milk is another natural solution because lactose in cow's milk can actually stimulate the production of mucus in your throat. Drinking more fluids like water and tea will naturally flush post nasal drip out of your throat and through your digestive system.