Instant Relief From the Common Cold
Cold Medications
At the first sign of a cold, take cold medication to quickly remedy symptoms and shorten the duration of a cold. This condition doesn't require medical attention. Rather, use over-the-counter medications such as decongestants, cough syrups and pain medications to relieve symptoms. Read the instructions and use as directed.
Get Plenty of Fluids
Coughing and blowing your nose gets rid of excess mucus in the nasal passageway and chest. While this relieves congestion, it also results in fluid loss. Drink eight glasses of water a day while battling a cold to replace fluids. Along with water, decaffeinated teas and juices are ideal alternatives. Stay away from caffeine and alcohol. These beverages trigger dehydration.
Sufficient Rest
Aim for at least eight hours of sleep a night to gain instant relief from a cold. Regardless of whether you're dealing with a mild or moderate cold, physical activity triggers fatigue and lowers your immune response. Thus, you're unable to fight the infection and recovery. Slow down and get plenty of rest. Reduce activity and stop exercising until symptoms improve.
Vitamin C
Boosting or improving your immune system is essential to overcoming a cold quickly. Along with rest, take vitamin C supplements to strengthen your weakened immune system. Increase your intake of orange juice, or purchase supplements from your grocery or health foods store. Take up to 6 grams of vitamin C a day.
Chicken Soup
The common cold triggers a host of symptoms such as a sore throat, coughing and congestion. However, chicken soup provides quick relief from these common symptoms. Chicken soup soothes a scratchy or sore throat. Moreover, chicken soup aids in the expulsion of mucus in the chest and nose, which can stop congestion and calm a chronic cough.