Itchy Throat Remedies
Throat Drops
Sucking on medicated throat lozenges throughout the day can help remedy an itchy throat. The extra saliva produced by having the candy in your mouth will help lubricate the throat to relieve the itchy feeling. The medication in the drop will help eliminate the irritation in the throat, and return it to its normal state.
Unless stated otherwise on the package, throat drops can be eaten as needed to help relieve your discomfort.
Honey is an effective natural itchy throat remedy. It will coat the throat, ridding you of the irritating itchiness. Swallowing a spoonful of honey 3 to 4 times as needed throughout the day can help soothe an itchy throat.
Many gargling solutions that are sold over the counter can relieve an itchy throat. However, you may prefer to use a homemade saltwater mixture, as it is cheaper, non-habit forming and effective.
Add 1/2 tsp. of salt to 8 oz. of warm water and mix well. Take in a mouthful of the water, tilt your head back and gargle for 10 seconds. Spit the water out and repeat 2 to 3 times. This remedy can be used as needed to help moisturize your throat to prevent the itchy feeling.
Your throat can become dry and itchy when there is not enough moisture in the air. Using a humidifier in your home can help remedy this situation, especially in the dry winter months. Run the machine nightly and throughout the day when you are suffering from an itchy throat.
Clean the machine daily to avoid further irritation or infection, as the water can cause mold to grow on the humidifier if not properly cleaned.