How to Prepare Ginger Root for Cold & Cough Prevention & Treatment

Since ages, ginger root has been used in cooking and healing. It is widely known to ease motion sickness, relieve indigestion, ease menstrual cramps, treat arthritis and reduce cholesterol. Additionally, when it is prepared properly, ginger root can be particularly helpful in preventing and treating cold and cough.

Things You'll Need

  • Fresh ginger root
  • Boiling water
  • Ginger root capsules
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  1. Ginger Root Preparation

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      To be used medicinally to prevent and treat cold and cough, ginger root should be served as a tea. To make ginger tea, use 2 tsp. of powdered or grated ginger root per cup of boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes before drinking. While the tea steeps, lean your face over the cup in order to inhale the steam. This will ease your cough symptoms almost instantly.

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      If you do not like tea, you can also consume ginger root in capsule form in order to prevent and treat cold and cough. The recommended dose is 1,500 mg per day while symptoms persist.

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      You can also make your own ginger root cough drop. Cut away the bark on the outside of the fresh ginger root, then cut the remaining root into small pieces. Suck lightly on these ginger root cough drops to extract the juice. For a strong dose, bite slightly into the root to squeeze the juice out. Be prepared, however, because ginger root has a very spicy flavor.

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      For an added dose of protection against cold and cough, grate fresh ginger root over your food, and season to taste.

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