Head Congestion Cure
Decongestant pills and liquids
Depending on the nature of your stuffy head, there are a plethora of over-the-counter remedies available. If you have allergies, Fexophenadine (the active ingredient in Allegra) will help relieve all allergy symptoms including head congestion. Certain fruits and acidic foods may keep your body from properly absorbing the drug, according to drug information website Drugs.com, so steer clear of acidic foods for best results.
For cold and flu related congestion, over-the-counter multi-symptom liquids and capsules containing pseudoephedrine, such as DayQuil or NyQuil will constrict blood vessels and reduce nasal passage swelling to allow for free breathing while treating a variety of other symptoms you may have associated with the sickness. There are many pseudoephedrine-based medicines on the market from which to choose.
Nasal Sprays
For fast, but temporary relief from head congestion, there is nothing more effective than Oxymetazoline. This is the active ingredient in products such as Afrin 12-hour nasal spray. Oxymetazoline is a topical decongestant that works by shrinking blood vessels and allowing for immediate drainage and easy breathing. It is not recommended to be used for more than 3 to 5 days and some users report addictive behavior in using nose spray for extended periods of time.
Neti Pot
A Neti pot is a device used to irrigate the sinuses of debris and mucous. Saline is poured into one nostril and allowed to drain from the other. According to a study on saline nasal irrigation, published on the Canadian Family Physician website, the procedure is a simple and safe way to clear sinuses and poses no known health risks or side effects.
A Home Remedy
Covering your head with a towel and putting it over a pan of steaming water may sound like an old fashioned remedy--and it is--but it also works. Be sure not to get so close that you give yourself a steam burn, and remember to add some salt and maybe eucalyptus oil to the water for better results.
The Doctor's Office
Unless the head congestion is related to a more significant problem, it is usually not necessary to go to the doctor to treat it. However, if symptoms persist and the congestion prevents you from sleeping or breathing properly, and usual over-the-counter remedies do not seem to help, see your doctor.