Summer Cold Remedies
Vitamin C
According to Health World, there have been approximately 30 trial studies that demonstrated that taking vitamin C does reduce the duration of a cold. Furthermore, Dr. Stephen Langer stipulates that when G. Rietzel and Associates conducted a study of 1,000 boys, they found that those who were given vitamin C had a 45 percent reduction in colds as compared to the boys who did not take vitamin C. Langer indicates that adults can generally take between 500 to 1,000 mgs of vitamin C per day without stomach upset. However, those who are prone to stomach acid problems should take a buffered form of vitamin C in order to address the issue.
Traditional Remedies
The University of Nevada Student Health Center reminds individuals suffering from summer colds that there are a plethora of over-the-counter medications that can be used in an attempt to overcome a summer cold. These products may include antihistamines, decongestants, cough syrups, fever reducers, as well as allergy medications. These types of medications should be used in conjunction with humidifiers, rest and an increase in the intake of fluids.
Cleansing the System
Dr. Anshu Gupta contends that colds are primary caused by an overabundance of "morbid matter" in the body. "Morbid matter" builds up in the "skin, lungs, kidneys and intestines." Therefore, Gupta advises that the intestines must be focused upon in order to eliminate this "morbid matter."
To accomplish this, Gupta states that individuals should begin fasting with the onset of cold symptoms and consume water mixed with lemon juice to promote the elimination of "morbid matter." The mixture can be flavored with honey, if desired, and should be taken "several times" each day. Gupta relays that the individual will begin to see an improvement in the cold symptoms within 48 hours of this treatment
Reducing the Need for Remedies
Dr. Anshu Gupta further discusses that most common colds, including those contracted during the summer, are the result of "poor blood circulation" and a lack of physical activity. Therefore, individuals must concentrate on ensuring that these two factors are addressed in their everyday lives in order to reduce the need for remedies throughout the entire year.