Remedies for Head Congestion
Natural Remedies
A saline nasal solution can be applied in nostrils to moisten mucus membranes. To make the solution mix 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt and lukewarm water, apply in each nostril with dropper or aspirator.
Drink steamy liquids and eat spicy foods when suffering from head congestion. The combination of heat and spice causes the nose to become runny. Sinus drainage relieves pressure in our heads causing congestion to subside.
Boil a pot of water, remove from heat and add a few drops of eucalyptus oil. Put a bath towel over your head, lean over the pot, then inhale deeply for five minutes. This can be done two to three times a day for congestion relief.
Onions are a natural decongestant. The smell from cutting a raw onion can loosen the mucus buildup and relieve congestion.
Drink lots of water to prevent mucus membranes from becoming dry and sticky. This causes fluid backup and congestion. By drinking more, the membranes stay watery and keep the fluid moving.
Place a couple drops eucalyptus or peppermint oil on a cotton ball. Hold near your nose and inhale deeply. Do not place the oils inside your nostrils; doing so may cause swelling. This helps alleviate symptoms of head congestion.
Heat 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar in water until it begins to boil. Inhale the vapors to help loosen mucus
Use a room humidifier to relieve symptoms of head congestion. Add salt and eucalyptus oil to the water. Salt helps to moisten and soothe mucus membranes. The vapors of eucalyptus help to open nasal passages by reducing inflammation.
Over-the-Counter remedies
If you are using prescription medications consult with a physician before taking an over-the-counter decongestant. Some conditions may be aggravated by ingredients in over-the-counter medication. There are many different brands of decongestants available. Decongestants provide relief by reducing inflamed blood vessels in the lining of nostrils. You can purchase medications in oral form or as a nasal spray. Nasal decongestants provide relief quicker than by taking the oral form. The drawback is using a nasal decongestant for more than five days may cause congestion to worsen.
Other tips
Sleep with your head in an elevated position to reduce symptoms of congestion. Limit your consumption of dairy and sugar products. These foods promote the formation of mucus and aggravate congestion. Massaging areas around the nasal cavity and temples may also help relieve head congestion.