Fast Acting Home Remedies for Colds and Sore Throat
For Chest and Sinus Congestion
When you are sick, your mucus membranes go into overdrive, leaving you with a stuffy nose and congested chest. Onions and garlic can help relieve these symptoms. Simply add pieces of fresh onions and garlic cloves to boiling water. Remove from heat, drape a towel over your head, and breathe in the steam. This should open up your sinuses and help you breathe easier.
For a Sore Throat
There are numerous remedies for a sore throat that are cheap, easy and can be made at home. Try steeping some barley in hot water for about five minutes, then adding a teaspoon of salt and vinegar. Gargle the mixture for about 30 seconds, then spit it out.
A mixture of honey and lemon in eight ounces of hot water not only tastes good, but is great for soothing a sore throat and suppressing a cough.
Gargling plain salt water is also great for killing bacteria and relieving the pain of a sore throat.
Other Cold Remedies
Ginger can help relieve some of the symptoms of the common cold. You can boil pieces of fresh ginger in water, then strain and drink the water for relief from a cough or fever. For a dry cough, try adding lady's fingers to a pot of boiling water and breathing in the steam. Some foods and spices, such as garlic, onions, cayenne pepper and watercress, can help fight illness when added to food. Try different teas depending on the symptoms you have. Peppermint tea can help open congested sinuses and chamomile can help a fever or upset stomach, and can help you sleep better.