Cough & Phlegm Remedies
Garlic is one of nature's curealls. It's natural healing enzymes have been used to treat things like digestive problems and the flu. Utilizing garlic as a cough suppressant is easy. Chop up a handful of garlic cloves and place them into a mason jar. Completely cover the garlic with honey and secure tightly with a lid. Place the mixture into the refrigerator for at least 24 hours. Ideally, you would want it to marinate for two weeks, but if you have a cough now, you do not have that kind of time. When you wake up in the morning, take a tablespoon of the mixture to subdue your cough. Take as needed throughout the day.
Ginger, like garlic, has been used for a long time to treat many different medical conditions. It is available in many different forms, but for this application, sliced ginger root is best. If you have whole ginger, just slice it into very thin pieces. Place the pieces into your mouth and chew. As you chew, the healing enzymes within the ginger are released, and your cough will slowly be subdued.
Many times a cough is caused by a lack of moisture in the air passages and can easily be treated by reintroducing moisture back into the airways. The most effective way of doing this is by steam. Take a hot bath or shower and breathe in the steam. The steam will open up your sinuses, relieving pressure and will lubricate the airways, stopping your cough in its tracks.