Home Remedies for Pregnant Women With Sore Throat
As with any illness, it's important for the woman to take care of herself; when pregnant, it's important to take particular care. If a virus strikes, get plenty of rest and drink plenty of fluids to allow the body to heal. Keeping the throat well-hydrated will also prevent more discomfort. It's not uncommon for a throat to be sore because of post-nasal drip. A saline nasal spray can help relieve congestion and the sore throat; a humidifier can also be helpful. A health care practitioner or pharmacist can recommend a good saline spray or humidifier.
When ill and struggling with a sore throat, teas are soothing and comforting. Add 1 to 2 tbsp. honey and the juice of half a lemon to any hot cup of tea--peppermint, lemon or chamomile are particularly good choices.
Lemon ginger tea is also another popular, and tasty, option. Peel and thinly slice a small piece of ginger root, boil it in water to make a yellowish tea, then add the juice of half a lemon and 2 tbsp. of honey.
Pomegranate rinds boiled and made into a tea will act as an astringent and ease any pain.
One to 2 tsp. of slippery elm bark (which can also be found as lozenges) made into a tea will coat and soothe the throat.
Gargling a teaspoon of salt combined with 8 oz. of almost hot water several times a day results in an increase of the blood supply to the throat, removal of mucus and dilation of capillaries, thus enabling virus-fighting antibodies. The hot water is also soothing. Adding the juice of one lemon to the salt water is also helpful.
Other possibilities for gargling concoctions include combining five drops of grapefruit seed extract (which works as an antiseptic) to a glass of water; a half teaspoon of chlorophyll added to half a cup of water; a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in 1 cup of water, which will kill bacteria on contact; 1 tsp. of cayenne pepper and 3 tsp. of honey--the cayenne will also increase circulation to the region, drawing away the infection.