The Best Remedies for Colds & Flu
Easy Cough Syrup
Mix up 2 tbsp. lemon juice with 1 tbsp. honey and add a pinch of cayenne pepper. The honey is great for coating your throat and relieving the burning irritation. Lemon juice works to reduce inflammation, and the vitamin C helps fight off infection. The cayenne pepper improves blood circulation to the area, which speeds up healing.
Water and Vapor Treatment
Fighting cold and flu symptoms can cause your body to dehydrate. Combat this by drinking at least eight glasses of water a day. The moisture in your body helps to relieve problems like dry eyes and a stuffy nose. Sleep in a well-ventilated room and use a humidifier through the night to keep the mucus membranes thinned out. Loose mucus is much easier to blow out and causes less irritation.
A Dose of Garlic
Research conducted by the Garlic Centre in East Sussex, England indicated a daily dose of garlic, or a garlic supplement, led to quicker recovery from cold symptoms. Allicin is the agent in garlic responsible for fighting viral infections. Garlic, however, may produce some unpleasant side effects if overused. The most common side effect is bad breath and body odor. Garlic can also cause complications in people taking blood-thinning medications. The best way to consume garlic is in pill form or chopped into small pieces.
Breaking up Congestion
Believe it or not, wearing wet socks to bed will loosen phlegm and congestion in the chest area. It will also help to reduce any fever. This method works by drawing blood to the feet, increasing overall circulation. Blood tends to stagnate in areas affected by congestion. Simply warm your feet in a tub of hot water. Then soak a pair of cotton socks in cold water, wring them out and put them on just before going to bed. Next, put on a pair of dry wool socks over the wet ones. By morning, you should experience much less congestion.