Free Home Remedies for the Flu
Steam & Saline
According to, steam is a great agent for easing congestion. Taking a hot shower can be an easy fix. If that does not work, make a pot of steaming water and put 2 teaspoons fresh ginger in the water. Put a towel over your head, and breathe in the steam deeply. Another homemade fix for congestion is making your own saline nasal rinse. Mix ¼ teaspoon salt into ¼ teaspoon baking soda then mix it into 8 ounces of water. Tilt your head down and pour or use a syringe to squirt the saline into one nostril at a time, while breathing through your mouth. Do not swallow the saline.
Humidify & Hydrate
It is important to humidify your home in the winter; this keeps moisture in the air and leads to a healthier living space. Also, never try to hold back a good cough. A cough filled with mucus is a sign that the congestion is breaking up and you should not suppress it. Keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids; this will help to break up mucus as well and flush out toxins.
Mustard rub
According to, "Mustard is loaded with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, many of which can be inhaled through the vapors." To make a mustard rub, mix 2 to 4 tablespoons dried mustard, 2 to 4 tablespoons flour, one egg and some hot water. Apply the mustard plaster to your chest and let it sit for a few minutes. Then wash it off immediately for mustard has a tendency to burn.
Spicy vinegar
One of the best things you can do to beat the flu is build a healthy immune system, according to Making a great immune system builder at home involves a bit of work. Chop up a mixture of two onions, a bulb of garlic, three jalapeno peppers and a piece of ginger, and put it in a jar. Then add apple cider vinegar. recommends shaking the jar daily for six weeks and then bottling the vinegar. If flu symptoms appear, drink the vinegar mixture to boost immunity and fight off the virus.