Natural Sore Throat Relief Remedy
Honey and Lemon Water
Honey-lemon water is a timeless remedy to treat sore throat pain. It will not cure the cause of the sore throat, it will alleviate the pain. Fill a microwave-safe cup with water. Heat the water in the microwave to the desired temperature. It should be warm, not hot, as to keep from scorching your tongue. Stir in the juice of one lemon and a teaspoon of honey. Drink the mixture rather quickly to immediately lessen the pain.
Alternatively, for a more potent concoction, juice three lemons into a glass. Mix in a tablespoon of honey. Take a teaspoon every three hours to lessen sore throat irritation.
Cayenne Pepper Gargle
If you prefer to soothe a sore throat quickly with a gargle, a cayenne pepper solution is an effective option. Combine a teaspoon of cayenne pepper and half a cup of water. Gargle the mixture as often as necessary. Cayenne pepper is extremely hot, so do not swallow the mixture. After mixing the solution, avoid touching your eyes or other sensitive areas until you have thoroughly washed your hands with soap and water.
Salt Water
Salt water is a more straightforward option for a sore throat gargle. Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a cup of water and gargle three to four times a day, or as necessary. Another option would be be to add honey or lemon juice to the salt water. These ingredients will improve the taste and are helpful in combating a sore throat.
Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and will greatly reduce the pain associated with an irritated throat. Boil water and add fresh sliced ginger, using about two teaspoons per cup of water. Steep the solution for 15 to 20 minutes for maximum effectiveness. Drink a cup as needed. Optionally, add a tea bag for fresh ginger tea.