Side Effects of NyQuil
NyQuil is a popular over-the-counter cold and flu medicine that is available as a liquid or a capsule. The basic formulation is designed to provide symptomatic relief so that people can continue with everyday activities while they get better. The common cold and flu are caused by viruses. While no diagnostic test for the common cold is available, influenza tests can detect the influenza virus. The symptoms for both types of infection are similar: fever, chills, headache, body aches and general malaise. Sometimes the infection causes congestion, which is an inflammation in the sinus or bronchial area. The ingredients in NyQuil address the symptoms, but not the cause of infection.
Active Ingredients
NyQuil contains the active ingredients acetominophen, dextromethorphan, doxylamine and pseudoephedrine. Acetominophen is an analgesic for pain relief and to reduce fever. Dextromethorphan is used to prevent coughing and has a mild effect in reducing pain. Doxylamine succinate is an antihistamine that reduces allergic reactions and causes drowsiness. Pseudoedphedrine in hydrochloride and sulfate forms is an effective nasal decongestant, normally combined with an antihistamine.
As with any medication, overuse can cause severe reactions. The active ingredients in NyQuil alone have been associated with abuse, liver damage and psychotic episodes, especially if combined with alcohol. Follow dosage recommendations to avoid severe reactions. People with breathing problems or glaucoma should check with their physician before taking the product. NyQuil provides symptomatic relief. However, if symptoms persist, medical attention is required. Since NyQuil contains a combination of ingredients, reactions can be produced by any agent in the formulation or by a combination of ingredients. If a reaction occurs, NyQuil should be stopped and a health-care professional should be consulted.
Side Effects
Reported common side effects associated with NyQuil include diarrhea, constipation, drowsiness, dizziness, nausea or vomiting, anxiety or nervousness and changes in sleep. Severe side effects that require immediate medical attention include allergic reactions such as rash; hives; changes in heart rhythm; dizziness, seizures and hallucinations; changes in vision and jaundice.
Mild reactions usually stop when the medication is stopped because the liver clears the active ingredients. Medical attention will help to identify the caus of the reaction and provide alternatives to treat symptoms. Severe reactions must be treated immediately to prevent internal damage. Cold and flu symptoms can resolve over time, with supplements to boost the immune system and fluids to flush the body of toxins produced by infection.