The Best Ways to Alleviate Congestion
OTC Medications
Take cold and flu medications that contain decongestants to thin out mucus. For phlegm in the throat, take an expectorant, such as Mucinex, so that the cough is more effective in removing the built-up mucus. For allergy-related congestion, take antihistamines that contain decongestants, usually noted with the letter "D," such as "Claritin-D."
Drinking hot liquids, such as herbal teas or chicken noodle soup, are best for thinning mucus and draining mucus from the throat. When possible, add a dash of cayenne pepper or Tabasco sauce because spicy foods will relieve nasal congestion.
Drink 8 glasses of water a day to aid the body in flushing toxins.
Drink orange juice, which acts as a natural expectorant and has the added bonus of Vitamin C, which helps fights infection.
Eliminate dairy products during congestion, as it only contributes to phlegm in the throat.
Alternative Medicine
Where nasal congestion is at issue, nasal irrigation is effective. Use a Neti pot with a solution of warm water with 1 tsp. non-iodized salt. Irrigate at least two times a day Nasal irrigation cleans the nasal passageway of bacteria.
Use a humidifier in your room at bedtime.
Take a hot steamy shower and massage the sinus area to thin congestion. Blow nose to keep drainage out.
Inhale steam with tea tree oil and peppermint oil, or rub a menthol salve under the nose to clear passageways.