Natural Congestion Relief
Clearing Sinuses and Reducing Inflammation
Since swollen sinus tissue strains breathing, reducing inflammation should alleviate sinus pressure and allow for more comfortable breathing.
Celtic Sea Salt: Spoon a teaspoon of sea salt into a glass or neti pot (small teapot shaped pot made to flush sinuses). If using a glass, bend over the sink and splash water into your nostrils. One at a time, gently blow air out. If using a neti pot, tilt your head and allow water to flush out the nostrils, one at a time. This should give instant relief and reduce toxins. This procedure can be performed many times throughout the day as needed.
Humidifier: Air that is too dry can irritate congested sinuses and make breathing more difficult. Add moisture to the air with a cool or hot air humidifier, depending on your preference. The hot steam or cool mist acts as an expectorant, loosening phlegm and easing breathing.
Hot towel compress: Heat a washcloth or small towel by soaking it in a bowl of hot water or by holding the cloth under hot running water. Wring the cloth, then apply to the affected area until the cloth cools. This method helps reduce sinus swelling and increases breathing ability.
Dietary Solutions to Promote Immune System Function
Often, poor eating habits contribute to stress, feeling run down and a lowered immunity to illness. Paying special attention to proper nutrition may alleviate symptoms of congestion and restore health more quickly.
Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE): GSE as a dietary supplement boosts the immune system and can be used for many purposes, both external and internal. Follow the directions on the bottle, which advise starting the day off with 15 drops mixed in with liquid, such as juice or water, gradually decreasing the number of drops throughout the day. Due to GSEs very strong tang, it typically tastes best in juice.
Increase fluids, especially water. If eating is uncomfortable because of strained breathing, also drink juices to keep up energy. Hydration is important to promote sinus drainage. Beverages containing caffeine (such as coffee, tea and cola) dehydrate the body. Drink decaffeinated teas instead.
Drink echinacea tea. Daily consumption of this tea may boost overall immune system health, acting as a preventative measure against congestion.
Make your own congestion-relieving honey eucalyptus tea. Add one drop of eucalyptus essential oil and a teaspoon of honey to warm water, stir and drink. This beverage helps reduces sinus inflammation.
Eat organic foods and raw greens, such as broccoli, which are also rich in vitamin C. Dr. Sankey advises that such foods increase oxygen in the blood; lack of oxygen in the blood may manifest as sinus problems.
Increase vitamin C intake. Eat the fruit or drink the juices of oranges, cantaloupes, grapefruit or apples.These powerful antioxidants are known to help strengthen the immune system.
Crystal Remedies
The healing energies of crystals may help activate the entire immune system and heal physical ailments.
Place azurite or Blue Lace Agate, either alone or in pairs, directly on the affected area. According to The Illustrated Guide to Crystals, amethyst, Black Tourmaline, Lapiz Lazuli, Maachite and Turquiose can restore immune system balance.
Tips and Warnings
The information in this article is for general information only and is not intended for the diagnosis and treatment of serious medical conditions. Avoid self diagnosing an illness and seek the advice of a medical doctor if health worsens. People who are pregnant, have allergies or have other special medical conditions should always discuss medical care with a medical doctor.
Discuss the use of crystals with a certified practitioner. Many crystals have multiple energies. If not used properly, these energies may cancel each other out or worsen symptoms.
Give yourself a break. Get plenty of rest. Often, illness results from doing too much and not allowing proper rest and relaxation. Sleep reduces stress and allows the body to heal.
Avoid alcoholic beverages. These dehydrate and put unneeded stress on your body and interrupt health restoring sleep.