Cures for a Sinus Headache

Sinus headaches occur when your sinuses are clogged. Sinus headache sufferers feel congested and may have a fever, cough, sore throat or post-nasal drip. There are numerous ways to relieve the pain of a sinus headache.
  1. Make It Cold

    • If you're looking for a temporary relief for the pain, a cold washcloth or cold compress on your forehead may help. Lie down, close your eyes and relax while doing this--simply relaxing may help as well.

    Spicy and Steamy

    • It may help to clear out your nasal passages. If you can, eat spicy foods. Or try something minty, such as mouthwash. You can also try putting a hot washcloth over your face, or taking a hot shower. The steam from the hot water can help unclog your sinuses.

      Dry air may also cause sinus headaches and clogged sinuses, so invest in a humidifier to get more moisture into the air in your house.

    Decongestants, Expectorants and Antibiotics

    • Try a combination of over-the-counter and prescription drugs to relieve your sinus headache as well. A pain reliever, such as ibuprofen, can lessen the effects of the headache, while a decongestant can help unclog your sinuses. A nasal spray can reduce inflammation and make it easier to breathe, and an expectorant helps get rid of the mucus in your throat. You may also want to try cough syrup.

      If you think your sinus headache was caused by a bacterial infection, see a doctor, who can prescribe an antibiotic.

    Combine Them All

    • Medicines can help clear up your sinus headache, while heat and cold are good for relieving pain and congestion right away. Use some combination of the three remedies to completely get rid of your headache.

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