Help With Flu Symptoms
For most people, the flu brings with it a number of undesirable symptoms. Fevers of over 101 degrees Fahrenheit are by far the most common, but this elevated temperature is often accompanied by a headache, runny nose or congestion, dry cough and some minor aches and pains in the muscles of arms, legs and back. Periodic episodes of the "chills" or the "sweats," as well as an overall loss of appetite, are also frequently associated with the flu. Even some weakness or fatigue can plague a person while dealing with the flu. All of these symptoms can come on in the matter of a day, yet it is possible to lessen their impact with a few self-care measures.
Self-Care Measures
With symptoms of the flu, all the help you need is really found right in the comfort of your own home. Getting some rest and drinking plenty of fluids (preferably water and soup) can go a long way in helping you get over this viral infection. Rest often boosts your immune system enough to better fight off the bug. Liquids, like water or juice, keep you hydrated, helping to lessen those aches and pains associated with this condition. Even soup can effectively break up your congestion while providing additional hydration.
If the flu is causing you periodic headaches, over-the-counter pain relievers may be good options for you. Not only does ibuprofen or acetaminophen help diminish muscle aches or pains, but they also bring relief to any associated headaches. With a runny nose, your standard nasal decongestants may help do the trick. Cool, wet washcloths placed on the forehead can help ease the impact of fevers. Cough drops can help suppress that dry cough. Simply play around with these self-care measures to find what helps you the most.
Prescription Measures
Though most people find self-care measures to be the best form of treatment for the flu, you may need to rely on your doctor for additional help. With this form of care, antiviral medications, like oseltamivir or zanamivir, may be needed to bring you relief. As you take either of these pills, inhibits any enzyme used in the growth of the influenza virus.