Cures for Sinus Pressure
Taking a decongestant can rid you of sinus pain and pressure. The decongestant clears up the inflammation in your nasal passages, allowing the fluid causing the sinus pressure to drain, thus relieving the symptoms. It is important to take no more than the recommended dosage., for the recommended amount o time. Continued use of a nasal decongestant daily can severely dry out your sinuses. Consult a physician about long-term use of a decongestant.
Use steam to relieve sinus pressure. Take a hot bath or shower. Turn the water up as hot as you can stand and breathe the steam in deeply. The warm, humid air will soothe nasal passages and relieve your sinus pressure. Adding herbs such as eucalyptus, mint or lavender can help your body to relax further and will soothe your nasal passages. If you do not want to continually run the hot water, soak a hand towel in hot water and lay it across your face with a dry towel on top to keep the heat and moisture in. Just make sure that you can breathe deeply.
Neti Pot
Another way to clear clogged sinuses is to clean them several times a day with a neti pot. A neti pot is a small pot, similar to a miniature tea pot, that has a long, thin spout. You fill the pot with warm salt water and slowly pour the water through one nostril. letting it drain out of the other nostril. Then do the other side. Using a neti pot at first may seem awkward and uncomfortable, but it gets easier over time and it works to keep your sinuses clear and healthy.