Cures for Head Colds
Vitamin C
One of the least expensive and best ways to treat a head cold is to increase your intake of vitamin C. Vitamin C has natural immune-boosting properties. Men can safely consume 45 to 90 mg daily of vitamin C. Meanwhile, women should consume 45 to 75 mg of vitamin C every day to help prevent head colds and to aid in getting rid of colds and associated symptoms faster. If you develop the symptoms associated with a cold, you can increase your vitamin C intake levels to as much as 1000 mg to 2000 mg daily via a vitamin C supplement.
OTC Medications
Over-the-counter head cold medication should be used as directed on the medication's packaging. You will want to carefully read the packaging precautions indicating who the medication is appropriate for, the dosage and frequency, and any warnings indicating interactions with other forms of medication. Some over-the-counter head cold medications can leave you feeling drowsy or tired so you may want to choose a formula that offers non-drowsy benefits.
Nasal decongestants can help loosen up excessive mucus that has thickened and is blocking your nasal passages so that you can breathe easier. Expectorants can be used for the same purpose, but such medications will loosen up thick mucus in the region of the lungs and throat and will cause you to cough out any excessive mucus that is building up inside your lungs. Meanwhile, you can utilize a variety of antihistamines that will help dry up excessive mucus, as well as to cease sneezing fits. General pain relievers like ibuprofen and/or aspirin can be utilized to reduce bodily aches and pains.
Herbal Treatments
Echinacea is an excellent all natural herbal treatment for colds. This herb is derived from the coneflower which is dried and put into capsules, tablets, and tinctures. You can consume one 400 milligram capsule of Echinacea three to six times daily to help reduce cold symptoms, or simply follow the package instructions. You will want to take the Echinacea with a snack or light meal to minimize potential upset stomach issues.
Consuming one or two cloves of garlic every day can help you battle a head cold as well. You can eat the garlic mixed with your favorite foods, or you can consume garlic capsules as directed on the packaging to manage a head cold. You can also make a cup of hot garlic soup by stewing four garlic cloves in boiling water to gain the benefits of the antiseptic properties of garlic and to ease the stress on your respiratory system. Garlic oils are also available for daily use to prevent head colds; add three drops of garlic oil to a bottle of fresh spring water and drink it once a day to keep colds at bay.