Relief from Colds and Runny Noses
Taking Cold Medicine
There are many types of cold medicines that you can take to relieve the symptoms of a cold and runny nose. It's a good idea to match your particular symptoms with the symptoms treated by the cold medicine, to make sure that you are not taking medicine that treats additional, unnecessary, symptoms.
Drinking Fluids
You can sometimes get dehydrated during a cold, particularly if you have a fever or a runny nose. It's important to replenish the fluids lost during this time by drinking plenty of fluids. Water, juice, sports drinks and broth are all good sources of liquid for your body. Try to avoid coffee and caffeinated soft drinks, since caffeine is a diuretic, and can cause you to lose even more fluids.
Getting Rest
Your body needs plenty of rest to recover from the symptoms of a cold. Staying in bed will help you recover faster, while getting up will use up energy your body needs to fight off the cold. Getting plenty of rest will be even easier if you are taking a cold medicine that makes you sleepy or dizzy.
Staying Comfortable
Make sure that you have everything you might need, before you go to bed. Keep a box of tissues close at hand for your runny nose, and some lip balm for when your lips start getting chapped. Placing a large insulated cup of juice, water or other beverage close by will keep you from getting thirsty. Having the remote control for your television set will also keep you from having to get up unnecessarily. A book, crossword puzzle or other means of quiet entertainment are other ways to keep yourself occupied if you get bored in bed.