Natural Cures for Post Nasal Drip
Increase Liquids
If you suffer from post-nasal drip, increase the amount of liquid you drink. Water is especially helpful. Try to avoid caffeine and diuretics. The extra water and non-caffeinated beverages will help thin out the drainage caused by post-nasal drip.
Use a Nasal Spray
Saline is basically salt water, is available in spray or drops, and does not have any side effects. It provides temporary relief. Use the saline spray two to four times a day. Make sure to blow your nose before using saline. Then, simply spray in each nostril.
Use a Neti Pot
A Neti pot works by cleansing the nasal passages using water. This helps wash away the mucus that causes post-nasal drip. Dissolve a 1/2 teaspoon of kosher salt into warm water, then pour into the pot. Following the pot's directions, lean over a sink and flush out your nasal passages.
Use a Humidifier
A cool mist humidifier adds moisture to the air. Use one at night while you sleep. The moisture can help thin out the drainage causing the post-nasal drip. Be careful if you use a warm air vaporizer. They create warm steam, which can cause burns.
Use Oil of Oregano
If your post-nasal drip is due to allergies, try taking oil of oregano. It needs to be wild grown from the Mediterranean. You can find the oil in most health food stores and some larger grocery stores. It comes in pill and oil form. Talk to your physician if you are pregnant or nursing before taking any supplement.
Avoid Allergic Triggers
If you are allergic to outdoor pollens, stay inside during the early morning hours when pollens counts are highest. Shower before bed to remove pollen from your hair and keep it off your pillow. If you react to indoor allergens like dust or pet dander, use an air purifier. Air purifiers can remove pollen from the air in your home.