What Foods Can Cause Sinus Infections?
Foods That Increase Mucus Production
Many dairy products increase mucus production, which can lead to a sinus infection, or sinusitis. Milk and wheat products produce excess mucus, so if you have sinus issues consume these foods sparingly.
Foods That Cause Nasal Inflammation
Red wine and alcohol are associated with nasal inflammation. Sometimes when a person consumes large amounts of alcohol the outside of their nose becomes bright red due to inflammation, and when nasal cavities swell sinuses are unable to block out bacteria. The mucus buildup traps excess bacteria, which can multiply and grow quickly, increasing the chances of a sinus infection. Accordingly, alcohol consumption should be limited, especially during allergy season. If you have severe sinus problems eliminate alcohol from your diet altogether.
Foods That Cause Drying and Congestion
Drying of the sinuses can prolong a sinus infection. Avoid sugar and salt, both of which absorb moisture and exacerbate the condition. The key to healing a sinus infection is to add moisture to your nasal cavities, so use a humidifier in your home or inhale steam from hot water.