Howto Get Rid of Sinus Pressure
Things You'll Need
- Saline spray Warm water Salt Bulb syringe Pot of boiled water Vapor rub Towel Teaspoon Peppermint oil Bowl of ice water Washcloth Tei-Fu Oil
How to Get Rid of Sinus Pressure
Use saline nose spray. This will eliminate the sinus pressure by relieving some of the congestion. You can buy saline nose spray over the counter or make it yourself with one cup of warm water and one teaspoon salt. Use a bulb syringe to spray it into your nose.
Boil a small pot of water. Once it boils, turn the stove off and add a teaspoon of vapor rub. Take a bath towel and place it over your head creating a little tent. Bend over the pot and breath in the fumes. This will usually release some of the pressure.
Try acupuncture. Employ someone that is familiar with the pressure points for sinus congestion and pressure. They may be able to get rid the pressure naturally.
Put a few drops of peppermint oil in a bowl filled with ice and cold water. Soak a wash cloth in the water, then wring it out and apply it to the pressure on your face. Often the cold and peppermint scent combination will work wonders on sinus pressure.
Use alternative medicine. Go to the health food store and buy Tei-Fu Oil. Put a few drops behind your ears, on your forehead and temples, and the nape of the neck for relief from sinus pressure.