Home Treatment to Get Rid of a Mole
Chalk and Rose Water
A paste of one part chalk powder to four parts rose water will help remove a mole naturally. If this paste is applied daily over a period of months, you will see the size of the mole decrease. The mixture may cause a burning sensation on the skin, so alleviate the pain by applying aloe vera gel. Aloe vera will also help reduce the mole while ensuring the skin remains soft.
Vegetable Concoction
Fresh cauliflower juice mixed with honey and pineapple juice can lighten and remove a mole. Use one small cauliflower and squeeze out its juice with a juicer machine. A small cauliflower usually yields one-fourth of a cup. Add 2 tablespoons honey and 2 tablespoons pineapple juice to the mixture. Apply it three to four times daily and store it in the fridge. The mole will lighten in color and eventually disappear.
Herbs Paste
A paste of honey, flaxseed oil and flaxseed is another herbal remedy that will remove a mole. Grind the flaxseed to a smooth powder so that no coarse grains will cause abrasions to the skin. Then mix together 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 tablespoon of the ground flaxseed and two to three drops of flaxseed oil. If the paste is too thin, add more flaxseed. Apply the paste to the mole, rubbing it in gently and leaving it on for at least 30 minutes. For the treatment to be effective, apply the paste daily.