Tips for Getting Rid of Colds
Medications for Cold Relief
More than 200 different viruses can cause a cold, and symptoms can last anywhere from several days to several weeks. While there is no medication that can cure the common cold, try the following to relieve symptoms:
• Choose over-the-counter cold relief medications, such as decongestants or those designed to relieve coughs and runny noses.
• Antihistamines, which are helpful in reducing symptoms related to excess mucus, can relieve sneezing, a runny nose and watery eyes.
• Vitamin C may also be useful to boost your immune system when you're experiencing a cold. Take 250 milligrams of Vitamin C every four hours.
• Pain relievers such as aspirin or acetaminophen may help to relieve headaches and fever.
At-Home Remedies
Bed rest is one of the easiest and best solutions to help you feel better when you experience a cold. Also drink plenty of water or vitamin-fortified fluids, such as orange juice. Gargling a warm saltwater mixture also can help you to relieve a sore throat.
Preventing Further Infection
Failure to treat a cold can result in additional infections because of a lowered immune system. Therefore, it's important to wash your hands frequently and thoroughly (using about the time it takes to sing "Happy Birthday" twice). Also, be sure to cover your mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing so you don't infect others around you.
Use Only As Directed
While aspirin may help adults to relieve cold-related symptoms, it is not recommended for children and teenagers when they experience a virus like a cold. Ask your child's pediatrician for a recommendation if symptoms do not subside on their own.