Home Cures for Sinus Infections
One of the most painful characteristics of a sinus infection is the feeling of tremendous pressure between the eyes and nose, where the infected sinuses are typically located. Running a hot shower with the bathroom door and windows closed so the room fills up with steam can have a tremendous affect on your symptoms. Your pain should diminish by breathing in the warm, moist air, and it will help your sinuses drain of mucus. If you don't want to use a shower, try filling a bowl with hot water and drape a towel over your head while you lean over the bowl.
Make sure that you are drinking ample nondehydrating fluids, such as juice or water. According to the Mayo Clinic, you should refrain from drinking alcohol because it can cause your sinuses' lining to swell even more.
Another home remedy involving liquids is to use a bulb syringe to rinse your nasal passages. You can use water or a saline solution for this. Rinsing out the nasal passages is called "nasal lavage" or "nasal irrigation." You can make a saline solution by mixing 1/4 tsp. of salt with 2 cups of warm water. Draw the saline solution into the bulb syringe and remove any excess air from the syringe. Lean over a sink and insert the tip of the syringe, squeezing carefully so the liquid goes into your nose. Repeat this process twice for each nostril.
Make sure you are getting enough sleep when you have a sinus infection. Your body needs the extra rest to fight off any infections. When you are sleeping, prop your head up a little higher than normal so that your infected sinuses can drain.