Natural Ways to Clear a Stuffed Nose
Natural irritants
While it may not be the most attractive option, slicing an onion and holding it under your nostrils can stimulate your nose and make it run. Spicy foods do the same thing, so go out for curry, sushi with wasabi, or a sandwich with spicy mustard.
Steamy foods
Chicken soup has long been known as a remedy for colds. Apart from lifting your spirits and giving you much needed strength, hot broth can also make your nose run and unclog sinuses. How? The steam. Tea is another great option for not only brightening your mood but loosening mucus as well.
More steam
A hot shower can not only ease aching muscles but loosen mucus. Again, it's the steam at work. If a shower isn't available, suggests filling a bowl with eucalyptus, orange peel, mint oil and hot water. Lean over the bowl and hang a towel over the back of your head to trap the steam, then breath deeply. A humidifier also can work wonders. Keep it clean, though, or it will spread airborne pollutants. Run a vinegar-and-water mixture through your humidifier once a week to clean it.
Other options
Vitamins such as zinc and vitamin C are helpful in shortening the lifespan of a cold. Try working out; it might just jostle loose your mucus and help drain it. Raise the head of your bed with extra pillows to prevent mucus from pooling in your sinuses while you sleep. Over-the-counter saline solutions are safe to use frequently and will help break down mucus.
Things to avoid
Stay away from alcohol if you have allergies or a cold; wine and beer are known to cause congestion. Also avoid wheat and dairy; many people have unknown allergies to these foods, which can cause nasal congestion.