Causes of Post-Nasal Drip
One of the most common causes of post-nasal drip is a cold. A simple cold causes a myriad of symptoms, such as nasal congestion and a runny nose-, both of which are contributing factors to the development of post-nasal drip. A cold will typically run its course within seven days, and over-the-counter cold treatments can reduce symptoms, including post-nasal drip.
Allergic Rhinitis
Allergic rhinitis is another prominent cause of post-nasal drip. It is actually not just one condition, but rather a group of symptoms that affect the sinuses, eyes and nose. Typically, when you are exposed to an allergen, you experience the symptoms of allergic rhinitis like sneezing and runny nose. Prolonged symptoms, however, can lead to post-nasal drip.
Sinus Infection
Sinusitis is another common reason for the development of post-nasal drip. When an infection takes root in the sinuses, whether from bacterial, viral or fungal sources, the sinuses become inflamed. This inflammation can cause symptoms like sneezing, running nose, sinus pressure and pain, and post-nasal drip.
Nasal Polyps
Though not as common as the causes above, nasal polyps are another cause of post-nasal drip. Polyps are actually sacs of tissue that have become inflamed and stick into the nasal cavity. Polyps can cause post-nasal drip to develop since the nasal mucosa is irritated, causing extra mucus to develop.
Deviated Septum
People with a deviated septum might also notice the onset of post-nasal drip. The septum is the part of the nose that separates the nostrils from each other. A septum is deviated if it is shifted to one side a bit, meaning one nostril is slightly pinched off. This can cause mucus to build up on one side more than the other, resulting in nasal drip.