How to Make a Cold Sore Go Away

Cold sores can be quite the nuisance and in some cases, very painful. If you want to get rid of a cold sore, there are several choices you can make that include prescription medications and some natural remedies. Combine remedies with a few useful avoidance tips to remove your cold sores as quickly as possible.


  1. Look Into Prescription Medications

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      Determine you have a cold sore and not a cut in your mouth. If you are unsure of the origin of the cut, it is probably a cold sore.

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      Visit your family physician so he can determine if you have a cold sore and so he can diagnose the treatment.

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      Ask your doctor for a prescription to help fight off the cold sore. He will more than likely prescribe Zovirax, Penciclovir, Aciclovir, Valicyclovir or Ganciclovir.

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      Retrieve your prescription from your local pharmacy and apply the cream or take the drugs as directed. Continue to use your prescription until it is gone. Do not stop use because the cold sore has disappeared.

    Nonprescription Medications

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      Look for over-the-counter drugs. There are several cold sore remedies you can find at your local drug store. Abreva is a popular solution that helps ease pain and speeds the healing process. Anbesol has also been shown to be effective and also contains a pain reliever for added comfort. If the area becomes infected, apply an antibiotic cream such as Polysporin up to four times a day to avoid an infection spread.

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      Purchase Blistex or another form of lip moisturizer. These help the cold sore area stay moist and help prevent against cracking and tearing that can occur as the spot become dry.

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      Use a new toothbrush until the infection is cured. The old toothbrush could be harboring the virus. Once the area heals, use a new toothbrush to avoid another instance of the virus.

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      Try a natural remedy such as lysine supplements, lemon balm or peppermint oil.
      Apply the creams or take the supplements as directed to begin the healing process.

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