Post-Nasal Drip Problems
The Facts
Post-nasal drip is a form of nasal discharge in which excess mucus runs from the sinuses down the back of your throat. It can be caused by several factors, including colds, flu, allergies, or a bacterial or sinus infection. Staying well hydrated can help thin mucus and make post-nasal drip less intense. Using a humidifier can also help thin mucus. Treating the cause of the excessive nasal discharge will clear up post-nasal drip and the problems it causes.
Sore Throat
When you suffer from post-nasal drip, mucus runs down the back of your throat continuously, both day and night. This often leads to another problem: a sore throat. The constant presence of the mucus--along with particles that may be caught inside of it, if the cause of your nasal discharge is allergies--irritates the tissue that lines the inside of your throat. The sore throat makes talking, eating and drinking, and the swallowing that accompanies post-nasal drip, all painful.
Post-nasal drip also causes another problem: a persistent cough. The cough is your body's attempt to clear the mucus, which does not work because it does not solve the nasal discharge problem. This cough can be irritating and disruptive during the day. It becomes noticeably worse when you lay down. Post-nasal-drip-induced coughing can lead to problems sleeping for both you and your spouse.
If you are suffering from post-nasal drip, you may find that you also experience problems with your voice. The presence of mucus irritates your vocal cords, causing them to grow stiff. You may react to the sensation of post-nasal drip like many people do--by clearing your throat repeatedly. This does nothing to help with the mucus, but it does cause your vocal cords to swell. You could experience problems with the sound, quality, and volume of your voice as a result.
Post-nasal drip can also occasionally cause other problems. If you are short on sleep because of nighttime coughing, you may find yourself tired and less alert during the day. Mucus can sometimes smell bad, depending on what is causing nasal discharge. If yours has an unpleasant odor, then you may have a problem with bad breath.