Symptoms of the Stomach Flu
Nausea and Vomiting
One of the first symptoms that can alert a person that he may have the stomach flu is nausea. Nausea is when an individual's stomach feels unsettled, and a person feels like he wants to throw up. Usually, a person with the stomach flu eventually does vomit. An individual might find that it is hard to keep any food or fluid down. Many people end up going to the hospital because they are so dehydrated from the stomach flu. That is why it is very important that an individual drinks plenty of fluids so that he does not become dehydrated.
People who have the stomach flu usually have a fever. Usually the fever is a low grade one. It is recommended that a person with a low grade fever does not take any fever medicine unless it does turn into a high fever. An individual should just rest when he has a low grade fever.
Another symptom of the stomach flu is diarrhea. Usually, the stools are very watery. If a person can eat without vomiting, he may want to try eating foods that will help bind them up. For example, eating a banana can help a person's stools become firmer.
A person will feel very tired when he has the stomach flu. An individual will also feel very fatigued. He will feel very drained. An individual will feel like he has no energy to even do normal tasks. A person with the stomach flu will probably sleep a lot. Rest is one of the best things to help a person feel better again. An individual should sleep as much as he can.
Other Symptoms
There are many other symptoms of the stomach flu. Some people may have abdominal cramps and pain. Their stomachs really hurt them. If they are vomiting, too, it can lead to more stomach pains because the stomach muscles can get strained from repeated vomiting. Many people can get really bad headaches. These headaches can last for days. Other people feel like their muscles ache.