How to Tame a Cough
Here are some ways to tame a cough.
Things You'll Need
- Pillows
- Expectorant
- Cough suppressant
- Water and other liquids
Tame a Cough
Keep your head elevated with pillows. This will help a dry cough, or a cough caused by stomach acid.
Stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of fluids will help thin phlegm and soothe the irritated throat.
Take an expectorant that contains guaifenesin, an ingredient that will help "bring up" the cough. It helps the body expel the mucus contributing to the cough. These products can be found on the shelves of your local pharmacy or grocery store.
Try a cough suppressant containing dextromethorphan. While a 2001 study in the British Medical Journal questioned the effectiveness of these products to quiet cough (especially in children), some people report good results. Follow label directions carefully for dosage as dextromethorphan in large doses can have undesirable effects.
Use a humidifier. Add moisture to the air you breathe might provide some relief for a dry cough.
Take a tablespoonful of honey. Honey will coat the throat, providing soothing relief for an irritated throat and, subsequently, helping to calm a cough.