What Is a Stuffy Nose?
The Truth About Stuffy Noses
Contrary to what many believe, a stuffy nose is not caused by excess mucus blocking your airway, which would seem like the likely culprit. However, a stuffy nose is actually caused by a swelling of the tissues that line the nose. What happens is that the blood vessels in your nose become inflamed due to a number of reasons.
A stuffy nose can have many bothersome effects. Blocked passages cannot only cause difficulty breathing, but that difficulty can lead to snoring and sleep apnea, which is common in children with stuffy noses. You also have the added nuisance of constantly wiping and blowing your nose, which can lead to skin irritation around the nostrils. A stuffed nasal passageway can also cause earaches and "stuffy" ears. That can result in poor hearing while the stuffy nose is present.
Causes of Stuffy Noses and How to Treat Them
There many reasons that you could develop a stuffy nose. One is the common cold or a viral infection, such as the flu. This is usually the most common culprit of a stuffy nose and develops by contracting a virus. Your immune system reacts to the virus by releasing histamines to fight against the invader. These histamines are what cause the blood vessels in your nose to inflame, thus creating a stuffy nose. To treat an infection, you can take a variety of drugs--including nasal sprays, decongestants and cough medicines. There is no medicine to rid you of the infection, but these drugs will help alleviate your symptoms until the infection has left your body.
Histamines are also behind another cause of a stuffy nose which is allergies. Unlike infection, allergies are caused by a reaction to a number of things common in the environment--including pollen, dust, mold, and pet dander. In this case, antihistamines can usually help alleviate your stuffy nose. However, if you have a high sensitivity to allergens, your doctor may recommend a prescription that can help your body fight them off for longer periods of time.
Another less common occurrence of a stuffy nose is what is known as vasomotor rhinitis, which is a stuffy nose that is not caused by either allergy or infection. The exact cause of vasomotor rhinitis isn't known. However, if you have a constant stuffy nose without any other symptoms, this may be the reason. Research has shown that vasomotor rhinitis can be caused by numerous things, including spicy foods, emotional situations and even alcohol. Antihistamines can help alleviate some of your symptoms, but your doctor may also be able to help by interviewing you to find out what is triggering your symptoms in your environment so that you can avoid these triggers.
Holistic Treatments
Nasal irrigation is a common treatment for stuffy noses that can often help avoid the need for medication. Nasal irrigation is the process or flushing out your nasal passages using salt water. You can do it by cupping water in your hands and inhaling, but the most effective way is to inhale water through one nostril and then have it exit through the other to gather all the debris in your passageway.
A steaming bowl of water can also do wonders for a runny nose. To make it even more effective, mix in menthol or eucalyptus, which will aid in opening your nasal passages.
Certain foods have also been known to help clear up a stuffy nose. For instance, hot soup has been known to loosen mucus, allowing it to drain out of your nasal passage quicker. Spicy foods have also been known to alleviate a stuffy nose by causing excess salivation which breaks up the mucus. A good tip when using the food remedy is to make your favorite hot soup and add some hot sauce to it.
Dangers of a Stuffy Nose
While stuffy noses are a common ailment, in certain situations, they can require a doctor's treatment and can be considered dangerous to your health. In infants, a stuffy nose can be extremely dangerous; it can impede regular breathing and breastfeeding. Using a suction bulb can help remove the mucus. However, if the stuffy nose persists or worsens, seek medical help.
If your stuffy nose persists for 10 days or more, medical help is recommended. Your stuffy nose could be the sign of a serious virus or condition.