Is it Okay to Pop a Fever Blister?
Because these fever blisters are so contagious and spread so easily, its important that the individual limit himself in touching the infected area.
It is inevitable that the fever blister will eventually open. When this happens, the individual should dab the area carefully with a tissue and then throw the tissue away immediately.
Time Frame
A fever blister will appear withing a 12 to 36 hour period after a feeling of burning or itching occurs in the area. It will then last for about three or four days.
Fluid inside the fever blister is filled with the herpes simplex 1 virus. Any place the fluid touches has the potential to become infected and spread to other places.
A fever blister will be seen as hard, tiny bumps that will raise up and fill with fluid. It will eventually burst to create a skin ulcer wherever it forms.