Influenza B Symptoms

Influenza B is one type of flu virus that affects the public. It is similar to other influenza viruses, though it is milder and slower in infection rate than the A virus, yet more serious and faster in infection rate than the C virus. When you suffer from influenza B, you'll generally experience the same symptoms as other types of flu but at a different intensity.
  1. Fever

    • You'll usually experience some degree of fever when suffering from influenza B, running a temperature of 102 degrees F to 106 degrees F.


    • Another fairly common symptom of influenza B is a certain level of aches and pains.


    • When suffering from influenza B, you'll most likely experience a dry, unproductive cough.


    • Many times, influenza B will prompt you to experience some type of headache. It might come and go as your deal with the flu.


    • Most people will suffer from fatigue and exhaustion because the virus is wearing down their system.


    • Sometimes, you might experience episodes of chills. This is often accompanied by sweats.

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