Mucinex Side Effects
Side effects are generally uncommon when taking Mucinex. However, if any side effects do occur, contact your health care provider or pharmacist immediately.
Some of the less severe side effects include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps and drowsiness.
More severe reactions to Mucinex are caused by allergies to the Mucinex ingredients guaifenesin and pseudoephedrine.
Allergic reactions to Mucinex include trouble breathing, intense dizziness, swelling and itching of the throat, tongue and face, as well as a rash outbreak.
In addition to allergy concerns, Mucinex is also not recommended for people with a thyroid disorder, diabetes, high blood pressure or heart disease, without the supervision and approval of a doctor.
Report Side Effects
Side effects should be reported to the Food and Drug Administration.