How to Relieve Chest Congestion in Toddlers
Increase water intake. Drinking water thins mucus in the chest, and water can function as an expectorant.
Place a humidifier in the child's bedroom, and use the machine to relieve chest congestion. The heat and moisture from a humidifier effectively thins mucus.
Apply a thin layer of vapor rub on your toddler's chest. The vapors relieve chest congestion, which can alleviate tightness, wheezing and coughing. Choose an OTC vapor rub for children or an herbal vapor rub such as Arbonne.
Ask for a prescription inhaler. If chest congestion doesn't clear on its own, visit your doctor and ask about a prescription inhaler. Inhalers open the bronchial tubes and ease chest congestion.
Consider an antibiotic. In some cases, chest congestion results from an upper respiratory infection or other infection. Talk to your doctor about an antibiotic to treat the underlying condition.
Serve plenty of Vitamin C. Vitamin C boosts the immune system, which will help your child fight colds and other illnesses. Purchase vitamin supplements for toddlers and orange juice.