Is it Safe to Take Cough Medicines If I Think I'm Pregnant?
Prior to taking any cough medication, check with your doctor. It's best if you can avoid taking any medication at all during the first trimester, as this is a critical period of development for the baby.
Several over-the-counter medications are considered low-risk and may be taken during pregnancy as long as you adhere to the recommended dosage.
To help remove excess mucus, you may take Hytuss, Mucinex, Naldecon Senior EX or Robitussin. Safe cough suppressants include Benylin Adult, Robitussin Maximum Strength Cough, Scot-Tussin DM and Vicks 44 Cough Relief. Three medications that feature an expectorant in addition to a cough suppressant are Benylin Expectorant, Robitussin DM and Vicks 44E.
Vicks VapoRub and cough drops are additional remedies that may help soothe your cough.
Avoid taking cough medicine that has alcohol. In addition, stay away from cough medicines that include the decongestants pseudoephedrine and phenylephrine, which can affect blood flow to the placenta.
As an alternative to medication, try drinking hot water with lemon or honey to help soothe a cough or sore throat. Herbal tea is another option. Notify your doctor if your symptoms become severe or last longer than a week.