Signs of Influenza
Identified by Hippocrates 2400 years ago, the flu has been one of the oldest and most persistent diseases ever.
Spanish Flu Pandemic
Although there have been several pandemics of influenza, the Spanish flu pandemic was the most lethal. It lasted from 1918 - 1919 and at least 40 million people died from it worldwide.
Flu Symptoms and Causes
Signs and symptoms of the flu are chills, fever, muscle pains, severe headaches, coughing, weakness and general discomfort.
Swine Flu Epidemic
The Swine flu virus that has been reported in Mexico as of April 2009 is a mutated form of the flu that is being transmitted from person to person. The flu symptoms are similar to the regular flu, but there are no preventative measures against it.
Swine Flu Warning Signs
You should see a doctor if you have any of the following symptoms: difficulty breathing, dizziness, confusion, severe vomiting, pain or pressure in the chest or stomach. If your children have any of the following symptoms-fever with a rash, dehydration, fast breathing, bluish skin coloration, sluggish interaction and severe irritability-see your pediatrician ASAP.