How to Prevent Stomach Virus Transmission
Things You'll Need
- Soap and water
- Hand sanitizer
- Disinfectant wipes
- Chlorine bleach
- Chlorine tablet for toilet tank
- Multi-vitamin
Wash your hands with soap and water. This is the best method of preventing the transmission of a stomach virus. It is often so easy and obvious that it is overlooked. Hands should especially be cleaned before eating, after using the restroom, after using any public facility or service such as a pay phone. If you cannot wash your hands immediately, use a very small amount of hand sanitizer. Limit your use of hand sanitizers as germs can become immune to them. Everyday activities, such as handling money, can transmit the spread of stomach flu, so you need to be careful about keeping your hands clean.
Dispose of dirty diapers immediately, especially if the stools were loose. Diapers should be placed in a plastic bag before being put in a separate trash receptacle. This includes adult as well as infant diapers. Always wash your hands immediately after changing a diaper.
Clean any surfaces that may have been touched by someone with a stomach virus. Wiping the surfaces down with a solution of water that contains some chlorine bleach is the best way to kill any germs and bacteria. Countertops, refrigerator handles, door handles, steering wheels, remotes, telephones and computers should all be cleaned. For electronic items, do not use the water/bleach solution, but rather use a disinfectant wipe.
Sanitize your bathroom area often. Place a chlorine tablet in your water tank, and spray and wipe down toilet surfaces after use with a chlorine based cleaner.
Wash all food before eating it. Thoroughly wash all fruits and vegetables, as they have been touched by others, and also have the ability to pick up bacteria in transit. Fruits that are in skin, such as oranges, graprefruit and bananas, also should be washed, as touching the skin and then touching the fruit will still transmit bacteria.
Boost your immune system. Take a multi-vitamin to be sure your body is getting enough vitamins and minerals to maintain healthy immune function. Eat a healthy diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables that contain Vitamin C, such as oranges and tomatoes (washing them well.)